I want to fucking explode with Greek goddess rage
allover the sad ass douche bag cunts my man calls friends.
Never liked em’ never will
But put up with their presence because I love my sweet Andrew
Privileged suburban bitches whose mommies
still serve them like little princes on Thanksgiving day.
I know cuz I have been dragged to their houses at the sad eyes urging of Andrew and watched in horror as one asked me if I wanted something to drink and then proceeded to say “Mom, Rosa’s thirsty, get her some water.”
If I could kill all the patriarchal urges in every good man I would
With a jagged rusty tetanus steeped knife!
And as for the patriarchy
First my dad is sick and the fuck whores know it
Second I’ve just come back form visiting him, and I mean just
As in heavy bag plus surplus paper bag full of crap slung on my weary arms
as I near my front door to see two of them careen up to the gate
before I can get my keys in the lock.
Mother fuckin paper bagged forty bottles in hand they hug me
and jovially ask how my trip was
My dad is pissing his depends, has steadily advancing Alzheimer’s and will likely be unable to remember my name in a few years.
What the fuck was I gonna say…“ Oh, fine, thanks.”
Should have shut them out right then and there but am never as smart in the moment
as I am three days later.
They follow me in reeking of cheap baseball game beer.
The seven crusty cocks have with them in tow four fishy pussies that I can’t stand either.
In part because they are in my tiny Haight apartment
where a full blow party should not be happening right now
but mostly because they are complicit in the men’s bad behavior.
When I finally freaked out they just sat there quiet looking at me like I was on mute
And I almost hate them more for that.
That they first took the time listened intently to me
when I told them about my old man’s swinging gasoline tank of a pee bag,
and didn’t laugh at my clever line, the fucks,
then watched a sister loose her shit and sat there doing nothing!!!
When I decided to snap it was with the force of someone with nothing to lose.
I already hated each and every one of their guts before this night
and decided I couldn't take one more dumb ass blathering bitch boy’s remark
or asinine action.
It was when they inevitably got out of hand and the stupidest two were on the fire escape shooting a b b gun and clomping around like mentally defunked Crap Kongs
that I decided it was time.
Get the fuck out! I yell in their stupid white prim fucking faces.
Circling the apartment to inform them there is a bar two blocks down
and the party is fucking over.
Then around again saying what are still doing here?
Didn’t I just tell you to get the fuck out!
This is where my rage goes cyclone
Swirling in thick viscous clouds
Because none of them are moving
None of them
They are still having their flat assed facile conversations about nothing.
At maximum volume no less.
Ignoring me and later, worse
drunkenly mocking my tirade by
And this still makes my knuckles go white
and Attila the Hun inside swing a body long blade,
Asking me to get them a beer
“Shove the beer up your piss hole!” I scream
but get nothing but laughter
I then stopped
surveyed the scene
and saw no victory
as I was either made invisible
Or painfully visible as a fucking fool
The latter’s eyes, including my man’s, just looked at me.
ENOUGH, Enough truth
What I really want it the fantasy revenge I richly deserve.
Windows smashed and eyes gouged out, bridges burned to microscopic ash.